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MITS6004 Enterprise Systems
Subject Code – MITS6004
Subject Name – Enterprise Systems
University Name – Victoria University, Australia
In this blog, you will get to know the instructions and everything that a student needs to know before preparing for your Predictive Analytics MIS772 exam.

Enterprise Systems

The term ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a management and integration technology that allows firms to better manage and integrate their operations. Many ERP software systems benefit organizations because they help them adopt resource planning by combining all of the operations needed to run their businesses into a single system. ERP software can connect planning, purchasing, inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, and other processes.

Benefits of ERP

Higher synergies across different company sectors,
Increased efficiencies as procedures are streamlined and information is readily accessible to those who need it,
And reduced expenses associated with obsolete and inadequate technology are all benefits of an ERP.
Although implementing an ERP can be costly, the return on investment (ROI) can be realized rapidly. Certainly, the benefits obtained (for example, improved productivity and lower administrative costs) may surpass the expenditures of using an ERP.

Phases of an ERP implementation
When implemented correctly, ERP connects all aspects of a firm, including order management, manufacturing, human resources, financial systems, and distribution with external suppliers and customers.
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Following are stages involved in ERP implementation


Purpose of the assessment:
Students are required to conduct a critical analysis of the ERP implementation in a given case study ( A case study of ERP in Rolls- Royce) and present it in a professional report.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically analyze business/enterprise activities, workflow, and processes to identify
problems, weaknesses, strengths, threats, opportunities, stakeholders, and entities interacting with the enterprise.
2. Explain the scope of common Enterprise Systems (e.g., material management, supply chain management, customer relationship management, human resource management, and financials).
3. Effectively communicate and assess an organization’s readiness and strategies for
enterprise system implementation with professional assessments and in-depth technical arguments.


This assignment aims at analyzing a case study on ‘ERP Implementation’ (uploaded on Blackboard as a separate file) and reporting their understanding/perspectives, answering the following questions.
Define the purpose and scope of the case study using an ERP system.
Discuss and evaluate the case study ERP implementation approach.
Analyse case study handling of change management during ERP
Implementation and propose appropriate strategies.

Report Structure

Introduction: Discuss the report objective and structure.
Purpose and Scope of ERP: Describe Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) in the given context.
Evaluate implementation approach: Briefcase study implementation approach and discuss your opinion with quality arguments.
Analyze Change management: Analyse case study change management activities, roles of key stakeholders and propose your strategies.
Conclusion: Draw a conclusion and summarise findings.
References (make sure to use Harvard referencing)
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