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10 Tips to Reduce Anxiety for Online Proctored Exams

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10 Tips To Reduce Anxiety For Online Proctored Exams
10 Beneficial Tips to Reduce Anxiety for Online Exams
Exams are an avoidable part of an academic curriculum. And with exams, stress too comes without an invitation.

According to some people, stress during online proctored exams is common. Stress exists for a reason and you can choose to let it be your downfall or use it to drive you to improve your work and excel in online examinations.

However, some students suffer from exam phobia and it becomes quite difficult for them to handle their exam stress. As a result, 20-25% of university students seek help for studies related to mental health issues which put them under more pressure than ever before.

Through the medium of this blog, we would suggest 10 extremely beneficial tips to reduce anxiety or stress for online proctored exams instead of focusing on your exam preparations.
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“ Don’t Stress. Do your Best. Forget the Rest. ”

10 ways that can help you put negative feelings and stress to one side and allow you to concentrate on your learning goals.
1. Set Realistic Goals
It is very important for you to set a timetable before starting to study. Prioritise your time, subject, and topics as it will help you reduce your anxiety level.

Creating a timetable and setting realistic goals as per the online exam schedule would help you recognize which topic and subject need more attention and on which topic you should focus first.

Acceptance of your situation and studying within the realms of what you have maximizes your efficiency without the risk of burning yourself out.

2. Give Your Mind Space
Studying day and night to beat exam stress would only make you more depressed and tired. Give yourself a break.

Practice meditation, which will help you enhance your learning power and improve your mental as well as physical health to reduce pre-exam stress.

Go outside for a walk or spend some time with your family and friends. A peaceful mind helps you to calm down your body’s stress and refreshes your body to study effectively.

3. Convert Your Worries Into Perspective
When it comes to exam stress, it’s critical not to put too much pressure on yourself. We understand that this is easier said than done, but you’re giving it your all, and that’s all you can do!

Keep the broader picture in mind, and remember that one “meh” result isn’t the end of the world. Putting oneself under a lot of stress might be detrimental. And, as cliché as it may sound, worrying doesn’t fix anything. Just give your 100% and you will surely receive good grades in your online proctored exams.

4. Practice and Practice
The best way to overcome online proctored exam stress is to practice again and again. As it is very well said that Practice makes a man perfect.

Consider previous year’s exam papers and it will help you understand the exam pattern better. Try mock exam questions on topics you are less confident about. This activity will make you familiar with the types of questions that appear in exams and also boost your confidence.

5. Manage Your Time Wisely
Every other student faces time management problems. Creating a daily schedule describing all of the subjects you need to complete will help you perform better. It may be helpful to place the timetable in the hands of a teacher or parent who can help monitor your progress and support you if you fall behind. One of the most important habits for achieving greater success is properly managing time.

6. Have a Healthy Diet
Having the right food during the exam period will help you de-stress yourself. Cut down on sugar and caffeine products as they will bring a sudden burst of energy but also fall away quickly leaving you feeling worn out. However, this is detrimental to your physical and mental health in the long run.

Instead have food rich in proteins, cherries, milk, and almonds to combat exam stress.

7. Get Enough Sleep
For some students, this is something that’s always put on the long finger especially if you are struggling hard to cope with your complex subject. The benefits of a proper night’s sleep can never be underestimated.

Sleep helps your brain to assimilate new knowledge into your long-term memory so that you can recall it when it comes to exam day. So, it is advised to sleep on time before the exam day. Complete 8-9hours of sleep-wake you fresh and also keep you healthy.

8. Listen to Music
It is very well known that listening to music is one of the greatest stress-busting activities.

Soft, calming music can relax your brain and create a productive environment by lowering your stress level and elevating your mood to study more effectively. It is advised to listen to softer music than loud music as they have a more significant impact.

So, just take a break and listen to your favourite music.

9. Believe in Yourself
If you have prepared for your online proctored exam from the bottom of your heart, then there is no need to doubt your worth. Believe in yourself. Therefore, if any negative thought bothers you, replace it with a positive one. Stressing can make you feel bad, instead, trust yourself and be positive.

10. Share Your Problems and Talk to Someone
If you find that you’re still stressed, talk to someone you trust, whether it’s a parent, friend, teacher, or sibling. They will help you put things in the right perspective. Speaking to someone can empower you to rise above all exam stress.

Hope now you are able to deal with your exam stress. Still, if you are unable to study for your online proctored exam then no worry at all. You can take our pocket-friendly online exam help service, where skilled and talented experts will help you in completing your online exam on time.

Read – Exam Pattern Change of Victorian Institute of Technology, Australia

Also important for students studying in other International Universities.

Assignment Global is one of the reliable and customer-friendly websites providing online exam help, online quiz help, and online proctored exam help services to students facing issues with the same. So, instead of stressing out and tolling your health, take expert assistance and score high grades.
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